Larkin Joining Info and Kit List

In less than 3 weeks we will be turning up to Larkin ready for a week of fun. Lots of planning and prep has been done by the organising team and by our own leaders, and the time has come…

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Richmondshire District Cooking Competition 2023

After a covid-enforced gap since 2019, the district cooking competition is returning in October. I could rewrite the information we got from the organisers, but to save time, I’ll just copy and paste it! Date: Tuesday 17th October 2023 Times:…

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Scout/Explorer Winter Camp 2023

Here’s the information you have been waiting for! It’s time for Winter Camp 2023. We’re going somewhere different this time. Thornthwaite is lovely but having an adventure in a new location is exciting. Here are the important details you’ll want…

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Scouts Winter Term 2023 Programme

Here, for posterity and future reference, is the Scout programme for the winter term. Pay attention to the dates for your diary at the top. We’re confirming dates right up to the summer already so make us first in your…

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Scout Programme – Autumn 2022

Here’s the plan for Scout for the Autumn term. There’s lots of adventure to have amongst the fun we’re having with Gang Show! Date Activity Location Notes 08/09/2022 Troop Forum – Games Hall 15/09/2022 Creative Challenge – Poster Design Hall…

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Family Camp Bookings are Open

As promised in the special edition of The Bungle, bookings are now open for our Family Camp 2022. It’s your chance to come along and join in the sort of fun camping activities we’d normally save to do with our…

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Bungle Special Edition – March 2022

Save the dates!

Here is a special edition of The Bungle so you can save the dates of Family Camp and Gang Show 2022! Bookings for camp will open soon, and Gang Show tickets will be available from September.

Scout Programme – 2nd Half of Winter Term 2022

Just a quick note to let you know that we do start again at Scouts tomorrow night and we will be a the hall every week except the last week of term. Here’s a brief rundown of the programme: 03/03/2022 – Games 10/03/2022 –…

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Tree Planting – 5th March 2022

Our Cubs, Scouts and Explorers (sorry, no Beavers on this one) have been invited by the team at Yorkshire Dales National Park to join in with some tree planting on Saturday 5th March. The day will consist mainly of tree…

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Scouts Winter Hike – 12/02/2022

As promised in the programme letter earlier this term we are heading out on a winter walking adventure around the local dales on 12th February. Here are the details. We are going to walk from Reeth to Richmond. This route…

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