Morning everyone.

You’re probably here because you got a text advising you to come to the website to check on the new venue for bell boating this week.  The programme says we will be boating at Stapleton Manor, but this is no longer the case:


Instead we will be at Crabtree Lake in Gilling West:


You’ll notice there are numbers on the picture:

  1. This is the lake we will be boating on.
  2. This is the car park which will be used as a dropping-off point.
  3. This is an overflow car park for the use of anyone who wants to stay for the full 90 minutes.  This is a small car park and there is little room to turn around so be prepared to have to stay in there for the full 90 minutes, or to reverse back up the narrow track.

When you arrive there will be another group packing up and leaving.  Please give them room to get their cars out.

Please, please, please do not park on the verges in a way that blocks and part  the main track from Gilling West to the lake.  The track is used by heavy goods vehicles to access the farm further down the lane and this represents a risk to people and vehicles.  We accept no responsibility for any damage or injury if you choose to park on the verges.

The weather forecast for Thursday is not looking promising but we’ll go ahead regardless.  You should have seen what the beavers had to put up with a few weeks ago. ALL scouts will need to bring waterproofs, a towel and a full change of clothes.  Jeans, hiking boots, wellingtons, crocs and open footwear are not permitted on the bell boats.  Anyone arriving without the correct equipment will not take part in the activity.

If you have any questions please ask.