We’ve been made aware of the following which may impact the route you need to take to the village hall:
This letter is to inform you that Hanson Contracting on behalf of North Yorkshire County Council will be undertaking resurfacing of the carriageway of Silver Street, Barton. The works include replacement of the full width of the road surface from the 30mph limit on the west of the village to St Cuthbert’s Green. Please note that during the construction of the scheme it will be necessary to close Silver Street in both directions to enable the surfacing work to be carried out safely. A signed diversion route will be in place. These works are currently programmed to commence on Monday 22nd November 2021 and are expected to last for 3 weeks. The works will be carried out between 0800 and 1800, Monday to Friday and the road closure will be in place between these times only. This may inevitably delay vehicular travel but we will endeavour to minimise the duration of the road closure where possible. Please note, this work is part of an extensive programme and therefore it is possible that some adjustment to this start date or the duration of the works may be necessary should unforeseen circumstances such as significant weather events or emergencies on the highway network arise. |
That’s going to mean you need to set off a bit earlier to get to Beavers and Cubs for a few weeks.