Scouts – Bell Boating Change of Venue AND Time

***UPDATE 08/06/2014*** Scouts will start earlier this week.  Please be at Ellerton ready to start at 19:00.  We will be finished by 20:30.  Apologies for the short notice on the time change.  Our access to the water is restricted by the…

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Patrol Camps – Weekend 1

It’s the first weekend of 2014 patrol camps so we will see Lions on Friday night and Stags on Saturday night.  And just LOOK at that weather: This Streetlam weather forecast is generated by the Met Office Weather Widget

STOP! Motion!

Tonight, in the style of the late great Ray Harryhausen, the scouts will be doing some animation.  We’re hoping to produce a 30 second film for the RAC Road Safety Champions competition. In the space of 90 minutes we need…

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Scouts Patrol Camps 2014

Each year the scouts get together in their patrols and plan a one-night camp which they run themselves.  They plan the timings, menu and the gear that they need and all the leaders do is go and get the shopping…

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Scout Programme – Summer 2014

There’s not a great deal of indoor stuff to be done this term.  In fact I think the only indoor stuff we’re doing this term is planning outdoors stuff. Alongside the ordinary programme there is the chance for scouts to…

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Beaver Programme – Summer 2014

We hate being indoors once the nights get longer.  This is the beaver programme for summer term 2014 which includes lots and lots of time outside.

Bungle – Issue 62

A litte bit of jiggery-pokery has been needed to bring you this issue, which is why it a) looks different from your print version and; b) is being released online a few weeks afterwards.  Hopefully our Microsoft Publisher issues will…

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